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Top Resources for Nonprofit Professional Development
When time is tight — and budgets are even tighter — professional development is all-too-often overlooked. This seems especially true in the nonprofit world, where every dollar counts. However, investing in your staff represents an investment in your organization's growth and success.
Design for Social Innovation: How to Incorporate Design Thinking into Your Non Profit
Nonprofits solve problems. Whether it's the global fight against HIV, working toward equality, improving public health, or another worthy cause, finding solutions to challenges is embedded at the core of every organizations' mission... and taking a design thinking approach represents an innovative path.
How Healthcare Organizations Can Set Up Mobile HIV Testing
HIV testing in non-clinical settings remains an important component in the care continuum. CDC HIV screening guidelines underscore the importance of screen early and often, and mobile HIV testing offers an effective route to achieving this goal.
Training for Nonprofits: What Types of Coaching Are Available?
You've likely heard the saying that an organization is only as strong as its leadership. While for-profit organizations have taken this advice to heart, it holds true for nonprofits as well. Unfortunately, when budgets are tight, spending on human capital isn't often a priority.
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