Orientation Course Outline
Introduction to LMS
Faculty: Donovan Ramos
Learn the advantages of the learning management system (LMS), and how to engage with the interface.
Introduction to Learning Online
Faculty: Donovan Ramos
Learn best practices for learning in an online environment and the basic tools of the Slack app, a free online communication tool.
EHE for CBO Managers
Faculty: Dr. Michael Terry Everett, Jacobi Hunter-Wright, Adrian Neil Jr, Jamila Shipp
Learn about Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America (EHE), following the four pillars established by Health and Human Services: Diagnose, Treat, Prevent, and Respond. Learn to align your practices to contribute to EHE.
Core Competencies of Management
Faculty: Jamila Shipp, Dana Williams
A foundational tool to build capacity in the core competencies of managing people, programs, and organizations needed to fulfill your agency’s vision and mission.
Foundational Course Outline
Managing People
Talent Acquisition
Faculty: Bolivar Nieto
Learn the concepts and techniques to effectively and efficiently explain job positions, design job descriptions, and engage in the processes of talent recruitment and selection.
Building Staff Capacity
Faculty: Bolivar Nieto
Learn fundamental management and supervision concepts, techniques, habits, and tools that will help assess your management style, determine the best management and supervision techniques to use with staff, and build a customized management and supervision system to develop the professional development capacity of staff.
From Intention to Retention: Strategies for Engaging and Retaining Your Staff
Faculty: Dr. Michael Terry Everett
Introductory course on the manager’s role in supporting staff retention and preventing high turnover among community-based organization (CBO) staff within the HIV workforce.
Managing Programs
Bridging the Gap: Collaborations and Partnerships
Faculty: Adrian Neil Jr.
Learn the importance of collaborations and partnerships in order to help ensure the success of HIV programs. Think about innovative ways to develop new and existing partnerships. Review the components of a mutually beneficial partnership.
Achieving Your Program Deliverables
Faculty: Melanie Graham
An introduction on how SMART goals, logic models, work plans, and data-informed planning are necessary to achieving program deliverables. Learn how these tools can help to communicate progress and results to their team, community, and funders.
Reaching Your Priority Population
Faculty: Miguel Bujanda
Learn how to identify hard-to-reach populations and develop a targeted recruitment strategy through a six-question approach and segmentation to reach these populations.
Managing Organizations
Working with Stakeholders
Faculty: Melanie Graham
Learn how to identify key stakeholders and their interests and create a plan for engaging stakeholders.
Busting the Nonprofit Budget Mystique
Faculty: Jacob Yang-Smith
Build confidence working on the financial and budget components of program management.
Organizational Culture
Faculty: Dr. Michael Terry Everett
Learn to develop HIV workforce managers’ skills and help them understand concepts and mindsets that foster organizational sustainability.